Pine Essential Oil – 15 ml




Pine (Pinus Sylvestris): Has a refreshing, invigorating aroma. First investigated by Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, pine is soothing for stressed muscles and joints when used in massage. It shares many of the same properties as Eucalyptus Globulus, and the action of both oils is enhanced when they are blended.

— USE:  For dietary, aromatic, or topical use. When using as a supplement, dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid such as goat’s or rice milk.

Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Do not use near fire, flame, heat or spark. Dilution recommended for both topical and internal use. Dilute before using on sensitive areas such as the face, neck, genital area, etc. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid using on infants and very small children. Avoid oil adulterated with turpentine, a low-cost but potentially hazardous filler.

EarthKosher Certified EarthKosher Certified

Additional information

Weight 32 lbs
Dimensions 11.5 × 8.4 × 11.5 in


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