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What is Aroma Therapy?

What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the practice of using naturally distilled essences of plants to promote the health and well-being of your body, mind, and emotions.  These essences, called essential oils, can restore balance and harmony to your body and to your life.


Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways

You can inhale them directly from the bottle. You can use them for Skin Care, Hair Care, and Body Care, as well as for numerous other beauty purposes.  You can use them for Personal Hygiene and Oral Hygiene. You can take aromatherapy baths. You can soak your tired, aching feet in a foot bath fragranced with essential oils. You can give and receive aromatherapy Massages.  You can breathe in aromatherapy blends to relieve congestion, clear your head, and make your breathing easier. You can make delightful fragrances with essential oils.


Aromatherapy Helps Prevent & Ease an Assortment of Aliments 

Essential oils can boost your immune system and help you stay well. You can treat aches, pains, and injuries with essential oils. Essential oil compresses can relieve the pain or discomfort of a wide variety of problems.  Aromatherapy can also help you reduce Stress, lift Depression, and restore or enhance Emotional Well-Being. You can even Disperse Essential Oils in the Air throughout your home or office to help improve your productivity or to alter your moods. 


There are hundreds of Aromatherapy blends, each designed for a specific purpose, as well as many different ways you can incorporate aromatherapy into your life.

Learn to experiment with the many different essential oils on your own.  Aromatherapy offers a natural approach to Health and Beauty Care that you can use to make your life Healthier and more Enjoyable.

What Aromatherapy Can Do for You!

 Women, men, and children are all benefiting from the use of Aromatherapy.    Aromatherapy works with your body in a very natural way.  By gently activating your body’s own healing energies, Aromatherapy helps to restore balance to your Body, Mind and Spirit.  Aromatherapy complements almost any other type of therapy or healing practice, whether conventional or alternative.

Aromatherapy offers you an easy way to enhance the quality of your life and improve your health.  It can and will help boost your Immune System, Often you can prevent common ailments or illnesses with aromatherapy.  If you do get sick, you can use aromatherapy to minimize the discomforts and speed up your recovery. Aromatherapy can help you get back on your feet after an illness.


Aromatherapy can help you Reduce and Manage Stress.  Stress plays a major role in almost all illnesses, both physical and mental.  The regular use of essential oils can help you control stress, alleviate anxiety and tension, and minimize the physical aches and pains they cause.  You can use aromatherapy to Relax and Unwind after a stressful day at work, at home, or on the road. Or you can use it to Refresh and Recharge Yourself so that you can keep up the pace of your busy life. 


Aromatherapy has a positive influence on the emotions.  Many essential oils can help you regulate your moods.  Some are uplifting and energizing, others are calming and sedating.  Some work to restore balance.  There are essential oils that will elevate your mood, soothe your emotions, clear your mind, quiet your anger, and even inspire your creativity.


Aromatherapy treatments for the Skin, Hair, and Body can add a dimension to your Beauty or Personal Hygiene Routine.  They are among the most natural and effective types of Beauty Treatment.  Aromatherapy can give a healthier appearance to the skin, especially troubled or problem skin.  Essential Oils can revitalize dry or prematurely aging skin, Regulate Oily Skin, Clear Problem Skin, and Add a Healthy Glow to all Complexions.  Men as well as women will enjoy using essential oils-in After Shaves, in Skin Care products, and for Hair Care.


In addition to offering a natural, holistic approach to enhancing Health and Wellbeing, the practice of Aromatherapy supports the environment.  Growing plants-lots of them-for the production of essential oils helps the planet and helps us. Without plants, humans could not exist.  Plants provide us with a most vital element for life-Oxygen. They manufacture and circulate this life-sustaining gas so that we may breathe. In doing so they utilize the carbon dioxide we exhale-waste that otherwise contributes world’s diminishing forests instead of demolishing them. By reducing greenhouse gases, plants may also help preserve the fragile ozone layers. Each time you purchase Pure Essential Oils, you cast a vote for natural botanical that can have immediate and long-term effects on your Health and Well-being as well as on the Health and Well-being of the planet.  You send the message to manufactures that you want to buy products that are good for the planet, that help sustain agriculture around the world, that preserve plant species, and that Support Life on Earth. By using botanicals in your everyday life, you can help guarantee plants survival. And their survival has important influence on people. We need plants. We cannot live without them.  Aromatherapy can make a big difference in your life. Besides beautifying its surroundings, every plant that flourishes makes the air a little cleaner, reduces some of the effect of greenhouse gases.  Growing botanicals can help protect the world’s diminishing forests instead of demolishing them.



Essential Oils work on several different levels. The first way they affect most people is through the sense of smell.  The sense of smell is the most complex and the least understood-and at the same time the most sensitive – of the five senses.  Whenever you open a bottle of an essential oil, its volatile aromatic molecules permeate the air. As you inhale the aroma, odor molecules enter your nostrils and drift upward into the olfactory receptors, structures in the nose where smell originates.  The olfactory nerves are the only sensory pathways that open directly into the brain.

Research shows that people who surround themselves with pleasant scents enjoy higher self-esteem.  Smells initiate both physical and psychological reactions by stimulating the release of neurotransmitters and endorphins into the brain. These hormone like chemicals produce gratifying sensations, even feelings of euphoria, and generate an overall sense of well-being. Neurotransmitters can arouse sexual feelings, reduce stress, relieve pain, and restore emotional balance.


Smells can gain direct access to your emotions and work on a subconscious level to modify emotional imbalances or change behaviors.  Inhaling certain essential oils can enhance your emotional equilibrium, either calming and relaxing you or stimulating and energizing you.  Calming floral fragrances such as Neroli, Rose, or Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Lavender, will relax you, while the stimulating scents of Black pepper, Ginger, or Peppermint oil will energize you.  Some essential oils work to restore balance, depending on what your body needs. Lavender and Geranium are two oils that can establish or enhance a sense of equilibrium. You can get these oils right here on


Essential Oils work through your skin, too.  They can stimulate circulation to surface skin cells and encourage cell regeneration, the information of new skin cells.  They can calm inflamed or irritated skin.  Some oils can release muscle spasms, soothe sore muscles, and relieve muscular tension.


Scientists suspect that essential oils stimulate the body’s own natural defense systems.  For example: Certain oils, such as basil, tea tree, and thyme oils, can encourage the production of white blood cells, thereby boosting essential oils fight harmful bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microbes in the body.



Yes! There are a number of Vitality oils that can be digested.  Make sure you read which ones are for digesting.  Essential oils are absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the digestive system. 

Essential oils can improve your health and well-being in many different ways.  Open a bottle of an essential oil and inhale it. Apply aromatherapy cosmetics to your face.  Massage aromatherapy skin oils over your body.  Take aromatherapy baths.  Blend your own perfumes with essential oils. Disperse essential oils throughout your room, house, office, business, with a diffuser.  No matter how you choose to use aromatherapy, it can work on at least one of the levels mentioned above.




Basil – Cinnamon Bark – Clove – Lemon – Oregano Peppermint –

Rosemary – Sage – Thyme

You can get these oils right here at:




The most important thing to understand when selecting essential oils is the difference between pure essential oils and synthetic products.  The practice of aromatherapy requires essences extracted from plants, not synthetics scents made from petroleum byproducts in laboratories.  Synthetics oils can never produce the same desirable results that pure essential oils can.  Aromatherapy is a holistic healing method that works by treating individuals with pure essential oils, not synthetics

Many companies and businesses including your local pharmacies, drugstores, shopping centers and even places you wouldn’t think would have essential oils  say there 100% Pure Essential Oils, however you will learn that they are not.  DON’T ALWAYS BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ ON A LABEL.  DO YOUR HOME WORK BEFORE YOU BUY.  HERE IS HOW YOU WILL KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A PURE ESSENTIAL OIL or A SYNTHETIC ONE.

  1. Open the bottle and place some oil on you thumb.
  2. Put your index finger and your thumb together and rub the oil around in a circle.


This oil never dissipates into the skin.  It just stays oily and gritty.


This is a Pure Essential Oil with no Synthetic fillers in it.

  1. Another way to see if a product contains Synthetics is to place a drop of it on a piece of paper.

Pure essential oils will evaporate, leaving no trace, whereas those in carrier oils will leave an oily spot.


Synthetic products can be cheaper to produce, able to re-create a wider variety of scents and are more convenient since they generally last longer, but are the trade-offs worth it? It is important to realize that synthetic fragrance oils may contain any number of toxins: Benzaldehyde, benzyl acetate, propylene glycol, parabens, and sulfates just to mention a few. In all, there are dozens of commonly used chemicals in these products, 95% of them derived from petroleum by products.


Mineral Oil and Petroleum Jelly are both by products of petroleum production.  They are not of natural, botanical origin and are never used in the world of aromatherapy.  Mineral oil is used in baby oils and many commercially available moisturizers because it is an inexpensive oil to manufacture.  Petroleum jelly, however, can clog pores, prevent the skin from breathing naturally, prevent Essential Oil absorption, prevent toxins from leaving the body through the natural process of sweating, and they can be absorbed into the body and block vitamins from properly being utilized by our bodies.


Manufactures of synthetic fragrances must add toxic solvents to make their synthetic fragrances spread and dissipate into air.  They also add toxic chemicals to make the airborne fragrance molecules become sticky so they will cling to clothing, hair, furniture, and skin.  This causes the smell to persist for hours or days or months.  You get lasting effect but of unhealthy chemicals.


The Skin absorbs these man-made chemicals in a few ways: by direct application, by contact with fragranced items, and by exposure to air containing fragrances that can accumulate in your body and even internally. They can trigger allergic reactions, migraines, asthma, nausea, eczema, and a whole host of other sensitivities. 


Here are some of the compounds found in

Synthetic Fragrances


Phtalates: is usually highly concentrated and is a known carcinogen and hormone disruptor. Adverse health effects may include damage to liver/kidneys, infertility issues in men and women.

Parabens: A commonly used type of synthetic preservatives in many fragrances, they also can interfere with the production and release of hormones and cause many of the problems listed above.


As if these weren’t bad enough, some chemicals, like methylene chloride were banned in the 1980’s, however this ruling cannot be enforced due to “trade secret” laws.  Among the worst offenders, methylene chloride is a known carcinogen that is absorbed through the skin and stored in body fat.  Synthetic fragrances have had several other negative issues come to light over the past few years including a high rate of allergic reactions, as well as the controversy surrounding the undisclosed aroma chemicals and preservatives in every fragrance oil.


Do Synthetic Oils have any healing properties in them?

Some synthetic oils may smell very much like the real thing, but     because they lack all of the genuine oil’s many components, they cannot produce the desired therapeutic results. Synthetic substitutes also lack the balance and synergy that pure essential oils have.


What can Synthetic Oils do to your Health & Skin?


It clogs the pores and causes several problems to your Bodies Health Care System.  It might not affected you right away, but eventually if you use it often enough, it will. Some people with weak immune systems, allergies or even if your body is very sensitive, it will affect you quickly. Synthetics are a toxin to your body. Which means it is not healthy for your body and causes havoc in many ways.


Not all natural plants or plant products are beneficial to Health.  Deadly night-shades can be poisonous and stinging nettles sting.  The following essential oils should NOT be used under any circumstances.


Bitter almond                                  Rue

Boldo leaf                                         Sassafras

Calamus                                           Savin

Yellow Camphor                             Southernwood

Horseradish                                     Tansy

Jaborandi leaf                                 Thuja

Mugwort                                          Wintergreen

Mustard                                           Wornseed

Pennyroyal                                      Wormwood





and MORE




The dangers of synthetic scents aren’t always evident, but we have the science to prove that everyone, regardless of age or health, needs to make avoiding fake fragrances a major priority.


National Academy of Sciences points out some vital facts: About 95 % of chemicals used in synthetic fragrances are derived from petroleum (crude oil).  They include benzene derivatives (carcinogenic), aldehydes, toluene and many other known toxic chemicals linked to cancer, birth defects, central nervous system disorders and allergic reactions.

  1. Unfortunately, 30 years later, toxic ingredients continue to turn up in products we use and breathe in on a daily basis. Some of the worst toxic ingredients used in lotions, shampoos, laundry detergents, cleaning products and so much more include synthetic scents, often listed as on labels as the elusive “fragrance.” And many on the list are known or suspected endocrine disrupters, compounds that tinker with hormonal health that can trigger weight gain and even set you up for diseases decades down the line.


Avoiding the dangers of synthetic scents is crucial.  It’s something I need you to share with your family and friends. When a company puts “fragrance” on the label, don’t be tricked. This is a catch – all term actually can stand for thousands of different ingredients (literally, at least 3,000).  And when you use a product containing “fragrance” of “parfum,” all of those mysterious ingredients are absorbed right into your bloodstreamThese ingredients are predominantly made from chemicals and are just outright toxic for your health in so many ways.


The dangers of these synthetic scents not only include short term-symptoms like Allergies and Respiratory Distress, but also Headaches, Dizziness, Nausea and Brain Fog.  There are too many side effects to list.  It goes on and on.

  1. This serves as evidence that regardless of your age or health status, it is imperative that you avoid fragrance chemicals.



Synthetic scents or “fragrance” represent an unidentified mixture of ingredients including carcinogens, allergens, respiratory irritants, endocrine disruptors, neurotoxic chemicals and environmental toxicants.  These artificial scents can be found in all kinds of body care and cosmetic products, as well as air fresheners, cleaning materials and laundry detergents. 




“Fragrance” or “Parfum” on an ingredient label is a blanket term for 3,000 + ingredients.

Fragrance = an unidentified mixture of ingredients, including:





Found In:


Lotion & Serums, Shampoo, Scented candles, Dryer Sheets, Laundry detergent, Cleaners, Cosmetics, Air fresheners, Plug-Ins, Wax melts, Deodorant,  Soap, Sunscreen, Perfumes, Colognes & body sprays, and other personal care products.


95% of Shampoos, conditioners & styling products list “fragrance’ as an ingredient.


Who is Vulnerable? EVERYONE

                        ESPECIALLY: Pregnant women, Infants, Children



                   DAMAGE THE BODY


  Here are just a few of the Toxic Chemicals allowed to

Hide out behind the “Fragrance” ingredient.  Many are also hormone disruptors.


  1. ACETALDEHYDE: “Potentially carcinogenic to humans. Adversely impacts the kidneys, nervous & respiratory systems.


  1. BENZOPHENONE: Endocrine disruptor linked to liver tumors.




Listed as a carcinogen under California’s Prop 65

Endocrine disruptor listed as European Commission’s “category 1 priority substance”  



Skin & eye irritant




  1. BENZYL BENZOATE: Exposure can burn and irritate the genitalia and scalp.


  1. BUTOXYETHANOL: Skin, eye, nose, and throat irritant.


Exposure can lead:

  • To blood in the urine
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Long-term damage to the kidneys, liver, lymphoid system, nervous system, respiratory system and blood cells.



Skin inflammation & itchiness trigger

Can set off skin sensitization, leading to even more intense  irritation with each exposure.




Causes acute and chronic effects on the nervous system

Also adversely impacts the live, kidneys and skin.



      Linked to mammary gland tumors



    Eye, skin & respiratory tract irritant

    Potential hormone disruptor

    Linked to nervous system damage


  1. FORMALDEHYDE: A known human carcinogen

    Banned in cosmetics and toiletries in Japan and


    MEA, DEA, TEA – ethanolamines

    Often mixed with other ingredients to form


Some nitrosamines are possible and known carcinogens


  1. OXYBENZONE (BP-3): UV-filter accumulates in

    The blood, kidneys and liver and may be toxic to

    liver cells  



HYDROXYBENZOATE): Linked to breast   cancer

Banned in Denmark in cosmetic products for children up to 3 years old


  1. RESORCINOL: Changes liver, kidney & spleen functioning

 Adversely affects the cardiovascular and nervous system

In japan, the form Resorcin is banned in cosmetics


  1. STYRENE: Toxic to red blood cells and the liver

   Toxic to the central nervous system when inhaled


 Reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen

& endocrine disruptor



Build up in breast milk, body fat and newborn’s cord blood

Linked to hormone disruption and reproductive, development and organ damage



   Lung & respiratory system damage

   The International Agency for Research on Cancer

   Also calls it a possible human carcinogen


  1. DIOANE: Common “possibly carcinogenic to humans”




It may seem unbelievable, but the FDA does not even currently require fragrance and cosmetic makers to disclose exactly what they are using in scent products.  Many will say their formulas are proprietary and they don’t want other companies copying them.  The FDA website also states how the agency cannot legally require companies to warn about allergens in cosmetic like they do the food.


Are you wondering why companies would continue to use synthetic scents if they’re so bad for our health? The answer is straightforward – they are cheaper. Unfortunately, just because you enjoy a scent, doesn’t mean it’s good for you.




If you have asthma, your really don’t need anything to get in the way of breathing easily. It’s extremely common for asthmatics to suffer health symptoms when exposed to perfumes, colognes and other scented products, especially when they contain artificial scents.

One study looked at patients with a history of worsening asthma symptoms after being exposed to cologne.  They found that the patients exhalation volume decline by 18 to 58 % during cologne exposure.

      There’s no doubt in my mind that synthetic scents are enemies of optimal     

      Breathing trouble, then truly fragrance-free products are your best bet.






The good news is that you can help yourself and your family to:

AVOID THE DANGERS OF SYNTHETIC SCENTS in all of the products you buy and use.


Try using Only Natural, Holistic Products that don’t have all those harmful Synthetic Chemicals that were listed in this article.


Completely avoiding any products that list fragrance, parfum, phthalate, DEP, DBP, or DEHP as an ingredient.


Look for products that use essential oils when you are looking for a scent.


Buying certified organic products, which are less likely to include artificial scents (but still read labels).  Watch out for “limonene” or linalool” on labels too. When they are listed in this form on the label, they are likely synthetic, man-made versions, not the natural compounds part of a more complex organic essential oil.


To provide a fresh, natural scent to your home or office, use Young Living Essential Oils.  They are 100% Pure.  You can find all their products here: 


Buy laundry detergent that is scented with pure essential oils or that is fragrance-free.


If you want to burn an occasional candle, use beeswax with a lead free wick.


Share this article with all your family, friend, employer and favorite businesses.  Let them know about the economic harmful fragrances in public and work spaces. 


Let them know there are alternatives and you can find all your Holistic, Natural Products right here on





Cleaning with Essential Oils

It can be daunting to live a healthier lifestyle, and one of the last areas you may think to change is your cleaning products. Most modern cleaning products require certain chemicals and surfactants (or cleansing agents) to make them work, and you should know what they are and their potential affects. It’s also important to find ways to limit your exposure to these toxins, and learn about safe, effective alternatives.

Here’s a quick run-down of some common cleaning chemicals, along with some of the many places you may see them:

  • DEA (Diethanolamine)—Found in more than 600 home and personal care products, such as shampoos, conditioners, bubble baths, lotions, cosmetics, soaps, laundry and dishwashing detergents. Suspected of carcinogenic activity (causing or contributing to cancer) or of being potentially dangerous or hazardous to health.
  • Propylene Glycol—The main ingredient found in anti-freeze; also common in shampoos, deodorants, cosmetics, lotions, toothpastes, processed foods, baby wipes, and many more personal care items. Implicated in contact dermatitis, kidney damage, and liver abnormalities; can inhibit skin cell growth in human tests and can damage cell membranes causing rashes, dry skin, and surface damage.
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)—Industrial uses include concrete floor cleaners, engine degreasers, and car wash detergents. Also found in shampoos, liquid soaps, conditioners, cleansers, toothpaste, and children’s personal care products. SLS is found in nearly all toothpastes, and is absorbed through skin contact and retained for up to five days.
  • Talc—Chemically similar to asbestos, talc has been inked to ovarian cancer. It’s found in many body and baby powders, as well as many cosmetics.
  • Alcohol—Most mouthwash products have a higher alcohol content than most alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, etc). Mouthwash products with alcoholic content greater than 25 percent have been linked to cancers of the mouth, tongue, and throat. Alcohol acts as a solvent inside the mouth, making tissues more vulnerable to carcinogens.

·        Essential Oils

  • Essential oils, known as nature’s living energy, are the natural, aromatic volatile liquids found in shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds. The distinctive components in essential oils defend plants against insects, environmental conditions, and disease. They are also vital for a plant to grow, live, evolve, and adapt to its surroundings. Essential oils are extracted from aromatic plant sources via steam distillation, and are highly concentrated and far more potent than dry herbs.
  • While essential oils often have a pleasant aroma, their chemical makeup is complex and their benefits vast—which makes them much more than something that simply smells good.
  • Historically, essential oils have played a prominent role in everyday life. With more than 200 references to aromatics, incense, and ointments throughout the Bible, essential oils are said to be used for anointing and healing the sick. Today, essential oils are used for aromatherapy, massage therapy, emotional health, personal care, nutritional supplements, household solutions, and much more.
  • Young Living Essential Oils, the leading provider of essential oils, offers more than 300 essential oil singles and blends. All Young Living essential oils meet the YLTG standard. This means that every essential oil Young Living distills or sources has the optimal naturally-occurring blend of constituents to maximize the desired effect. Only YLTG essential oils should be used for the primary methods of application, which include inhalation and application.

·        Historical Use of Essential Oils

  • Essential oils are considered mankind’s first medicine and have been used around the world for centuries. Essential oils and other aromatics have been used in religious rituals, to treat various illnesses, and for other physical and spiritual needs.
  • Research dates the use of essential oils back to 4500 BC. Ancient Egyptians were the first to discover the potential of fragrance, and records demonstrate that oils and aromatics were used for treating illness and performing rituals and religious ceremonies in temples and pyramids. In fact, three oils that are still commonly used today cedar wood, myrrh, and frankincense—were used in the embalming process.[1]
  • According to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese manuscripts, priests and physicians used oils thousands of years before the time of Christ. There are more than 188 references to oils in the Bible, and some precious oils like frankincense, myrrh, rosemary, cassia, and cinnamon were used for the anointing and healing of the sick. Additionally, biblical prophets recognized the use of essential oils as protection against disease.[2]
  • The reintroduction of essential oils into modern medicine first began during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Since that time essential oils have been used traditionally to kill harmful germs, as well as spiritually to balance mood, lift spirits, and dispel negative emotions.

Using Essential Oils

The following how-to-use essential oils guide will show you how to experience their health-enhancing benefits:


Inhaling essential oils heightens the senses and can trigger numerous desired responses in the body. Follow these guidelines when using essential oils for inhalation:

  1. Inhale directly—simply smell them.
  2. Diffuse the oils using a diffuser, which disperses the oil in a micro-fine vapor into the air. The diffuser will not heat the oils, thus ensuring full benefits, as extreme heat can damage important constituents in the oil.
  3. Use with a humidifier. Put a tissue or small cloth, sprinkled with a few drops of oil, in front of the escaping steam. (Do not put essential oil in your humidifier. It will float on top of the water instead of rising with the water vapor and may cause damage to your humidifier.)
  4. Carefully pour hot water into a bowl and add a few drops of essential oil. Cover your head and bowl in a tent-like fashion with a towel. Breathe deeply and slowly.

Topical Application

Topical application of many essential oils is safe and can offer an enjoyable, relaxing experience. For topical application, follow these simple steps:

  1. Carefully tip the oil bottle and place 2–3 drops in the palm of your hand or directly on the desired application area.
  2. If dropping oil in your hand, rub palms together in a circular motion and then massage oil onto the desired point of application. If applying directly to the desired area, use your hand to massage the oil in a circular motion into the skin. Repeat if desired.
  3. Caution: Essential oils are very potent and some may be irritating to the skin. If irritation occurs, immediately apply pure vegetable oil such as V-6™ Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex to the area to dilute. Please read labels directions for each individual oil before using.

Internal Consumption

Many essential oils make excellent food flavorings or dietary supplements. To use essential oils for internal consumption, Young Living suggests these methods:

  1. Place several drops of oil into an empty capsule and swallow the capsule with water.
  2. Add 1–2 drops to a glass of water or rice milk.
  3. Put 1–2 drops onto a piece of bread or add to your meals when cooking.
  4. Add 1–2 drops onto a teaspoon of Young Living Blue Agave and swallow.
  5. Drop directly onto the tongue and swallow. Exercise extreme caution when using this method. Many essential oils are potent and should be tested by pouring a single drop onto a spoon and tasting a small portion to determine the amount of oil to be used.

Natural Household Solutions

  1. Don’t think that essential oils can only be used for aromatherapy or massage therapy—they have so much more to offer!

    While going about your daily household tasks you’ve probably stopped to consider the effects of artificial flavoring in foods or the synthetic compounds in your household cleaner. More than likely you’ve wondered if these mystery ingredients are even safe to use in your home.

    Essential oils can eliminate these concerns when you incorporate them into your daily household routine. Replacing man-made synthetics with natural, plant-based essential oils removes questionable ingredients from your home and adds countless benefits. Whether you use essential oils to infuse your favorite dishes with flavor, clean your home without harmful chemicals, or supplement your existing first-aid kit with plant-based solutions, they’re sure to safely and naturally enhance your experience.

    In the Cooking with Essential Oils section, learn the difference between common vegetable oils—olive, flax, sesame, canola—and essential oils, as well as some of the best essential oils for flavoring your favorite dishes!

    If you want to know which harmful synthetics are in your home, the Cleaning with Essential Oils section will teach you which chemicals—known to cause everything from skin to ovarian cancer—are in products you use every day and which essential oils and oil-infused products can replace them.

    Every home should have a first-aid kit, and in the Essential Oils and First Aid section, learn which essential oils are good natural complements to your existing kit.

    And to make your transition to essential oil cooking seamless, Young Living also offers a selection of top-of-the-line titanium cookware. Discover why your cookware makes a difference in the Cookware

  2. Tip—Stuck Gum
  3. “I found a chunk of gum stuck to our hall shag carpet. It had been there for several months, dried but thoroughly stuck to the fibers. I dabbed Thieves® Household Cleaner on a cotton ball, then rubbed it on the gum and let it sit for a minute. The gum literally just lifted off the carpet. You can rub your fingers across the treated spot. There is no way to tell there ever was any gum there!”
    —Kristen Grunewald
  4. Tip—Bath Drain
  5. “Our bath drainage unit would not stay in the open drain position and couldn’t be replaced. We used a number or chemical and mechanical options with no result. Finally I dropped a few drops of lemon essential oil on the problem area, waited a few moments, and came back. Result: The bath now drains freely once again!”



Yoga Health and Essential Oils

Yoga is an ancient discipline that originated in India. It focuses on joining the physical and spiritual bodies through poses (asanas) and meditation. Archaeological discoveries suggest that yoga originated sometime between 3300 to 1700 B.C.E. Today, yoga is experiencing increased popularity worldwide as a form of relaxation, a way of deepening the mind/body connection, and as a method of total-body exercise.

Essential oils naturally complement yoga by supporting physical and mental strength and focus through the science of aromatherapy. Essential oils are extremely versatile and have many practical applications in yoga, including techniques for complementing pranayama, meditation, relaxation, post-practice, and for cleansing and purifying. Essential oils are also used to activate and balance the energy centers of the body.

Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils can create an environment that supports deeper yoga practice. Watch Rodney Yee and Colleen Saidman Yee talk about integrating Young Living essential oils into their yoga practice.

Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

Aromatherapy is the inhalation of plant oils, called essential oils, for improved physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Essential oils are the pure essence of the plant—often referred to as nature’s living energy—and can provide both psychological and physical benefits when used correctly. Essential oils can be used on their own for aromatherapy or with complementary natural ingredients, such as vegetable or carrier oils.

Aromatherapy for Improved Health and Wellness

Aromatherapy is one of many ways you can enjoy the therapeutic benefits of essential oils. When practicing aromatherapy it’s vital that only pure, undiluted essential oils are used. Synthetic, perfume-grade products lack the necessary level of beneficial constituents and offer little or no positive effect.

Only by diffusing pure Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ (YLTG) essential oils can you create a proper mood, state of mind, or improve your physical well-being.


The Science of Aromatherapy

When a YLTG essential oil is diffused, it’s inhaled and processed through the olfactory system, which then sends the therapeutic benefits of the aroma to the brain. Depending on the specific constituents in the oil, you may begin to feel the release of negative emotions, the soothing of undue muscle tension, or experience the cleansing effect of the oils as your body eliminates toxins.

There are two ways to use essential oils for aromatherapy: inhalation and topical application.


When inhaling oils for aromatherapy, here are some commonly used techniques:

  • Inhale essential oils directly—simply smell them straight from the bottle.
  • Diffuse essential oils using a device that disperses the oil into the air in a micro-fine vapor. Young Living offers a line of essential oil diffusers that effectively spreads the aromatic benefits of essential oils through the air without damaging their important constituents.
  • Use essential oils with a humidifier. Sprinkle a few drops of essential oil on a tissue or small cloth and place in front of the escaping steam. Avoid putting the oil directly into your humidifier, as it will float on top of the water instead of dispersing with the water vapor.
  • Pour hot water into a bowl and add a few drops of essential oil. Lower your face a few inches over the bowl and cover your head and the bowl with a towel, then breathe deeply and slowly.

Topical Application

Essential oils can be applied directly to the skin. Be sure to read the label before using oils topically, as some oils must be first diluted with a carrier oil—like Young Living’s V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex—prior to use.

Key areas for topical application are:

  • Crown of head
  • Temples
  • Behind ears
  • Neck
  • Upper back
  • Abdomen
  • Over vital organs
  • Soles and tops of feet
  • Ankles

Steps for topical application are:

  1. Place 2–3 drops of oil in the palm of your hand or directly on the desired area.
  2. If placing oil in your hand, rub palms together in a circular motion and then massage oil onto the desired point of application. If applying directly to the desired area, massage the oil into your skin using a circular motion. Repeat as desired.

Note: Essential oils are very potent and some may be irritating to the skin. If irritation occurs, immediately apply a carrier oil or pure vegetable oil to the area to dilute. Please read label direction for each individual oil before using


Massage Therapy and Essential Oils

Touch, body work, and massage have many positive effects on the muscle, joint, circulatory and other body systems, and when combined with massage essential oils create a relaxing, luxurious experience that balances the mind, body, and spirit.

Offering only the purest, most potent natural properties from each plant source, Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ (YLTG) essential oils contain the optimum level of therapeutic constituents for the most beneficial massage results.


Massage Therapy for Improved Health and Wellness

Massage therapy—the treatment and practice of soft tissue manipulation with physical, functional, and psychological goals—involves massaging a person’s body in a way that increases overall wellness. Targeted pressure on the body is usually applied with hands and elbows and is said to have numerous health benefits.

Massage therapy dates back more than 3,000 years. Used by the Chinese, Hindus, Egyptians, Persians, and ancient Greeks, the therapeutic benefits of various types of massage have been documented for centuries.

The Science of Massage Therapy

Massage therapy has been shown to have a wide array of benefits. From anxiety reduction and pain relief to improved circulation, the therapeutic effects of touch promote all aspects of wellness. Essential oils further support the benefits of massage therapy by enabling targeted aromatic and topical relief. Certain oil collections, like Young Living’s Raindrop Technique®, combine the art of aromatherapy with the techniques of Vita Flex—rolling and releasing motions that activate the reflex points—and massage.

Topical application of these specific oils to various areas of the body brings balance and harmony while fostering a truly holistic wellness experience. Here are some commonly used techniques for self-massage:

  • Head massage: Rub essential oils into the base of the skull, the crown of the head, or on the temples in a circular motion.
  • Face massage: Place a few drops of essential oils onto your hands and rub them together. Lightly cup your face in your hands; the warmth of your hands and aroma of the oils will aid in relaxation.
  • Jaw massage: Rub 1–2 drops of oil into the soft spot just below your ear lobe to release tension.
  • Torso massage: For a quick energy boost rub oils into the area above the kidneys.
  • Foot massage: There are many pressure points in the feet that correspond to other body systems. Rubbing the soles of the feet with essential oils is a great way to release tension


Everyday Nutrition and Essential Oil Supplements

Hectic schedules and increasing personal demands make eating a well-balanced diet seem impossible. The average person consumes only a fraction of the recommended nine daily servings of fruits and vegetables, and as a result needs nutrient-dense vitamins and minerals to supplement his or her diet. In fact, current research indicates that more than 64 percent of American adults are either obese or overweight—a 14 percent increase from 20 years ago.1

Poor nutrition can lead to a variety of health concerns like fatigue, a compromised immune system, and poor digestion. Young Living makes it easy to combat these issues and incorporate better eating habits into your busy schedule. From the energizing, replenishing, and fortifying benefits of NingXia Red® to a wide array whole food-sourced multivitamins and great-tasting, essential oil-infused meal replacements, Young Living has unique, effective solutions!



Improved Wellness with Essential Oil Supplements

Infusing nutritional supplements with the added benefit of essential oils enables nature’s living energy to provide internal bodily support. Products like Longevity™ and Omega Blue™ contribute to overall wellness by balancing dietary insufficiencies and infusing the body with essential oils.

Multivitamins for Core Nutrition

The average person consumes only a fraction of required daily nutrients, so it is important to take vitamins and minerals to supplement your diet. Enhancing your diet with a whole food-sourced multi is an excellent way to ensure optimal wellness, regardless of age or individual nutritional requirements. The benefits of Young Living’s whole food-sourced multivitamins far surpass those offered by synthetic supplements.


Enzymes and Minerals for Core Nutrition

The modern diet is comprised primarily of convenient, pre-packaged meals. These nutrient-deficient choices are full of synthetic flavor enhancers and lack the important dietary minerals our bodies require. Young Living offers a variety of detoxifying enzymes and mineral supplements to help rid the body of unnecessary and potentially damaging substances.


Personal Care and Essential Oils

Essential oils are natural personal care products that work wonders for enhancing the complexion and promoting general health and wellness of skin. These benefits have led to essential oils appearing in a variety of personal care products on the market today. Great for the skin and hair, essential oils offer the added benefit of their refreshing, relaxing, and rejuvenating properties.

What separates Young Living’s oil-infused product line from others is the quality of the Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ (YLTG) essential oils in each formulation. Whether you’re interested in bath, body, hair, or skin care, Young Living has the natural personal care products for your every need.


Revitalize body and mind with Young Living’s wide selection of shower gels and soaps. Whether mixing your own signature scent with Young Living’s Bath & Shower Gel Base, or lathering up with Lavender-Rosewood Moisturizing Soap, the mild formulations in Young Living’s bath and shower lineup guarantee aromatic options for all your pampering needs.



Silky, soft, and luxurious, Young Living’s body products pamper everything from head to toe. Infused with the added benefits of YLTG essential oils, Young Living’s exclusive personal care products offer a truly decadent experience.


Available in clarifying, volumizing, or moisturizing formulations, Young Living has created essential oil-infused shampoo and conditioner options for every hair type.


Whether your goal is to combat damaging free radicals, smooth away blemishes, or quench dry skin, essential oils offer the beauty solution you’re looking for.

Young Living has developed a skincare line full of diverse, essential oil-infused cleansers, serums, toners, and creams renowned for their complexion-enhancing benefits

Natural Pet Care with Essential Oils

The therapeutic benefits of essential oils are meant for every member of the family, including pets. Whether your best friend is in need of a bath, a mood boost, or suffering from minor skin irritation, Young Living has a pet-friendly solution.

           Young Living’s Most Popular Products for Pets      

Did You Know: Essential Oils Pet Care Kit: Veterinarian Dr. Mary Hess of Madison, Wisconsin, recommends that every pet owner carry an essential oil care kit for pets. Based on her experience as a veterinarian, Dr. Hess suggests these Young Living essential oil blends to keep pets feeling their best.

  • Peace & Calming® Essential Oil Blend: Ideal for stress, fear, anxiety, and similar conditions, Peace & Calming blend can help calm your pet. If the pet is injured, Peace & Calming blend can relax the animal enough to administer other treatments. It can also be used on cats that are resistant to other forms of treatment for urinary problems or that excessively groom themselves.
  • Purification® Essential Oil Blend: Useful for external parasites, such as fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes.
  • Thieves® Essential Oil Blend: Perfect for minor wounds, abrasions, and lacerations, Thieves blend can also be used for dental concerns. It is safe for kittens and puppies.


  • Melrose™ Essential Oil Blend: Used in conjunction with R.C. and Raven blends, Melrose blend provides respiratory support and can also be used on minor wounds, abrasions, and lacerations if Thieves blend can’t be tolerated.
  • C.™ Essential Oil Blend: Ideal for respiratory and urinary tract support, R.C blend is practical for cats that require bladder fortification, when conventional therapies fail. (It can be paired with Raven blend for added support.)
  • Raven™ Essential Oil Blend: Used for respiratory and urinary tract support, Raven blend is more powerful than R.C. blend and features essentials oils not found in the latter. Combined, the two oils are highly effective.
  • Di-Gize™ Essential Oil Blend: Gastrointestinal systems respond well to this blend. Nutmeg and ginger can be added for additional support.
  • PanAway® Essential Oil Blend: Valuable for relieving discomfort and relaxing the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. This oil blend can be used alone or in addition to other essential oils that aid in general discomfort. Using a moist towel over the area increases the effectiveness of the oils.
  • Relieve It™ essential oil blend: Especially beneficial for relieving discomfort, Relieve It blend can be alternated with PanAway blend.

Order your products here:

Targeted Health Solutions with Essential Oils

Proven effective when taken internally, essential oil-infused supplements offer a variety of wellness solutions from supporting bone health to balancing digestive function. Formulated specifically to target certain areas of the body, Young Living’s supplements encapsulate essential oils like peppermint, clove, and oregano in rapid release soft-gels that deliver immediate, lasting results.

Bone Health

Proper bone health is crucial to overall wellness. Without providing vital nutrients to your bones, painful and debilitating bone diseases like osteoporosis may result. Essential oil supplements like BLM™ and MegaCal™ are specially formulated to support healthy bone and joint health and ensure you’re getting all the vitamins and minerals your bones require.

Young Living’s Most Popular Products for Bone Health

  • BLM: Formulated to support normal bone and joint health.
  • MegaCal: A powerful source of calcium, magnesium, manganese, and vitamin C.

Digestive Health

Normal digestive function is crucial for optimal health and vitality. Without proper digestive health one cannot break down and absorb nutrients from food and can suffer a variety of ailments. From meal replacements to dietary supplements to the antioxidant-rich superfood NingXia Red®, Young Living offers a wide array of products catered to supporting digestive health.

Young Living’s Most Popular Products for Digestive Health

  • Life 5™: Probiotic that builds and restores core intestinal health.
  • Digest + Cleanse™: Reduces the digestive discomfort and bloating that sometimes accompanies high fiber intake.
  • Balance Complete™: A superfood-based meal replacement that is both a powerful nutritive energizer and a cleanser.
  • NingXia Red: Nutrient-infused wolfberry drink that will energize, fortify, and replenish your body.

Heart Health

Without healthy cardiovascular function you can suffer from a variety of health issues. Proper nutrition is one of the easiest ways to combat poor circulatory health and avoid problems like poor circulation, decreased energy, and heart disease. Nourishing the body with essential oil-infused supplements like Cardia Care and Omega Blue is one step towards keeping your heart healthy.

Order Young Living products here:

Young Living’s Most Popular Products for Heart Health

Provides important ingredients shown in numerous studies to support a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.

Immune Health

Maintaining a Healthy Immune System is Key to overall wellness. Without a Healthy Immune System one can’t combat infections or disease, and people with Low-Functioning Immune Systems tend to be sluggish and fall ill more frequently.

Young Living has developed a variety of essential oil supplements designed to support immune function.